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How to Get Crayon Off the Wall: Experts Share Their Easy Solutions

A few household items can make it disappear quickly

The little ones in your life love to let their creative side out through coloring — and why not, it’s the perfect activity to keep them occupied. Whether they’re using markers or crayons, it’s ideal that those materials stay on the paper, but what happens when one art project goes wrong? Now you’re stuck trying to get crayon off the wall. Rather than panicking or scrubbing vigorously and further damaging the wall, FIRST turned to cleaning pros for their quick and easy solutions. Keep reading to learn how to get crayon off the wall and what to do if there’s any residue so your space remains spotless.

How to get crayon off the wall: 3 easy solutions

Although Sara McDaniel, designer and home renovation expert with Simply Southern Cottage, notes that it’s easy to get angry when this happens, getting crayon off the wall can actually turn into a positive learning experience for the kiddos. All you need is the proper cleaning supplies.

1. Try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to get crayon off the wall

McDaniel says using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is the “secret sauce” to getting crayon off the wall. “Magic Erasers are known for their magic abilities to remove some of the most notorious ‘uh ohs’ out there,” she says.

Dampen the Magic Eraser with warm water and gently rub the crayon until it is removed. You can do this until all the residue is removed and this solution also works if crayon ends up on the floor.

Related: How Do Magic Erasers Work? Cleaning Pros Reveal the Secrets Behind What Makes Them So Effective + How to Make Your Own for Less

2. Use Windex to get crayon off a wall

Aside from cleaning windows, mirrors and coffee tables, Windex is great for removing unwanted colorful scribbles. “Simply spray directly on the crayon marks and gently wipe with a soft cloth or sponge,” says Elizabeth Shields, operations manager of Super Cleaning Service Louisville. If it’s an extra tough stain, let the Windex sit on the wall for a few minutes before wiping it off. You can also spray right onto the cloth or sponge if you’re worried about the wall.

Once the crayon is off the wall, take a cloth with water to remove any excess Windex. “Be careful if you’re using Windex on delicate surfaces. It’s usually okay for most painted walls and sealed floors, but test it out first just to be safe,” adds Shields.

Another quick trick: Shields shares that you can get crayon off the wall just by using a paper towel and parchment paper.  Fold a paper towel and place it on the wall or floor. Then, put parchment paper on top and press. “The heat [from your hand] melts the crayon, and the towel absorbs it.”

3. Remove crayon with baking soda and a warm cloth

“One of the easiest ways to remove crayons from walls is by using a damp cloth with a bit of baking soda. Gently scrub the marks, and they should come off with minimal effort,” says Tina Priestly, a home refresh expert and the CEO of Ready, Set, Refresh. Baking soda is not only great for baking, but it acts as a universal stain remover. When it’s mixed with the water on the damp cloth, it crystallizes and becomes gritty which helps to lift the crayon off the wall.

If the baking soda isn’t doing the job, head to your kitchen for another stain solution. “For really tough stains, dampen a sponge with warm water and liquid dish soap, then work the area in a circular motion,” adds Priestly. Often crayons are washable, so plain old soap and water work wonders. Dish soap is gentler than bar soap and therefore won’t ruin the paint when you’re scrubbing the marked area.

Related: 16 Uses for Dish Soap That Save You Time and Money: Manicure Hacks, Pet Flea Solutions, and More

Watch this video from mommy and lifestyle blogger Ebeth Fielder as she works to get crayon off the wall:

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