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DIY Outdoor Garden Decor Made From Thrifted Finds Will Pretty Up Your Yard

Every day feels sunnier when your green space is sprinkled with outdoor garden decor made from thrifted finds!

Turning your backyard into a happy haven is easy, thanks to a few cheery, DIY outdoor garden decor accents made from yard sale, flea market or thrift store finds! “It’s easy to add little pops of personality to your garden or outdoor space by incorporating upcycled accents like teacups, pots, colanders, watering cans and more,” says Allison Vallin Kostovick, author of The Garden Maker’s Book of Wonder and creator of From a plant pot bird feeder to a picture frame succulent wall accent, our easy ideas take everyday objects and turn them into personalized decorative extras that are sure to impress and perk up your yard with fun, eye-catching flair. Keep reading for the easy how-to’s.

A ‘living’ art frame brightens any bare wall

Outdoor garden decor: Living succulent wall hanging made from a shadowbox frame, soil and succulents

“A succulent-filled frame transforms a bare wall into a true work of art,” says Vallin Kostovick. To do: Remove the glass from a shadowbox frame; use a staple gun or epoxy glue to affix a cut-to-fit piece of chicken wire to inside of frame (in place of glass). Fill box with soil, then tuck roots of succulents into soil through chicken wire until covered, using wooden chopsticks to help gently push in the roots. Water well and lay the box in light sun for two weeks so roots can establish, then hang on a wall. Remove from the wall to water once weekly.

A flower pot bird feeder welcomes flying friends

Outdoor garden decor: Sparrow perched on a bird feeder made out of a cooking pot lid, saucer and orchid plant pot

A DIY bird feeder makes an eye-catching focal point amongst outdoor garden decor. To do: Drill 3 holes in the top of a ceramic pot lid and 2 in the bottom of a plant saucer. Use epoxy glue to adhere a ceramic orchid pot (with holes on sides) to plant saucer, then glue lid to top of orchid pot; let dry. Thread wire in holes and wrap around tree branch to secure. Fill saucer with birdseed and watch flying friends flock to your yard all summer long!

Must-read: Birdwatching Success Secrets: Experts Share Their Top Tips, From ‘Pishing’ to ‘Scanning

A platter candlescape adds gorgeous ambiance

Outdoor garden decor: Candlescape made from tray topped with river rocks and votive candles

“I love mixing rocks and stones into my tabletop candlescapes,” says Vallin Kostovick. To get the look, just add handfuls of rocks to a large thrifted round platter, then set a few pillar candles on top. Tip: For a fun party activity, Vallin Kostovick suggests having guests jot special messages or quotes on extra rocks with paint pens, then display them in your garden. Or guests can participate in The Kindness Rocks Project and leave the decorated rocks in spots for people to find (like in a park, on a trail, by the beach, etc.).

A teapot centerpiece beautifies a picnic table

Outdoor garden decor: White teapot filled with gravel, soil and succulent plants set on an outdoor table

“It’s incredible to watch my garden seating area transform from nice to engaging with the simple addition of a few succulent-filled teapots,” says Allison Vallin Kostovick. “Filling an upcycled teapot with a gorgeous array of different shapes and sizes of succulents is stunning all by itself.” To get the look, add a layer of pebbles to the bottom of an old teapot (for drainage), then pour in cactus potting mix and nestle roots of succulent plants (like echeveria and peperomia) into soil. Set in on a tabletop in a sunny spot and water once weekly.  

Related: Grow Your Own Succulent Garden, Plus How To Grow New Succulents From Their Leaves!

A blooming tray display perks up any bare surface

Outdoor garden decor: Stacked wooden trays topped with a flower-filled bud vase and small soil-filled plant pot

“I believe you can’t ever really have enough trays, especially older wooden ones,” says Vallin Kostovick. “They’re so versatile both in the house, as well as out on the patio.” To bring out their charm even more, she suggests partnering your thrifted wooden trays with with blooming bud vases. To do: Stack two trays together for added dimension. Pop blooms into thrifted round bud vases or small bottles. Add vases to tray, placing some on top of soil-filled pots for a from-the-garden feel. Tip: Make this display for a party and allow guests to take vases as favors!

Teacup lanterns light the way for guests

Outdoor garden decor: Teacup set on saucer with tea light candle inside

“When entertaining, I love lining the main garden pathways with candle-filled tea cups to add a little magic to the evening,” says Vallin Kostovick. And they couldn’t be easier to make, plus they put any chipped teacups to pretty use. Simply place teacups on their saucers and line up along a walkway, then add a battery-run tea light candle to each.

For more outdoor decor ideas, keep reading!

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