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The Themed Bath Trend Is Here! How to Spice Up Your Soak Time With Bath Bombs, Candles and More

If you’re not really a bath person, you will be after learning how to make them more fun with a theme!


If you often  opt for a shower over a bath, you might want to rethink your decision thanks to the viral TikTok themed bath trend. Baths don’t have to be boring or feel like a waste of time, given you could be incorporating relaxing candles, skin-smoothing bath bombs and a good book. This themed bath trend will spice up your baths and make them worth the soak.

Whether you prefer a relaxing bath as a getaway or you’re looking for a theme to keep the kids or grandkids entertained, there are plenty of ideas that will make a bath worthwhile. Keep scrolling to learn more about the trend and how to recreate bathtub masterpieces at home.

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How to create a themed bath per the viral TikTok trend

relaxing bath
Oleg Breslavtsev / Getty

If you are looking to create a themed bath, you can keep it simple or go to the extremes with bathtub additions. If you are looking to stick to a budget, gather things that you might have lying around your house for your bath, but if you’re all set with splurging a little, a trip to your local beauty store could provide bath bomb inspiration, epsom salts and more fun additives.

If you want a relaxing bath for yourself, you may want to grab a scented candle and a couple of sweet-smelling products like lotion and a body scrub to add a little something to the bath. You may even want to grab a book to read while you relax, or if you have a tray to put over your tub, you can even bring your laptop or tablet and wind down with a TV show.

If you are planning an enjoyable bath for your kid or grandchild, you might want to find some of their favorite toys to follow a specific theme. For a child’s bath, you can also add in coloring to the water to add to the theme.   

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Different themed bath trend ideas

There are dozens of different ideas for a themed bath, but these are just a few that you might want to try.

Barbie-Themed Bath

This theme is very popular after the recent Barbie movie, but everyone loves a Barbie-themed bath. You can choose to go all out and find Barbie accessories, or you can keep to a budget and just use any pink décor you have at your disposal. You can also add pink coloring to the water to really stick to the look. Whether it is for a child or for yourself, try this pink theme for your next soak.

Nemo-themed bath trend

Maybe you want to create a Nemo themed bath for a child in your life – we’re looking at you, grandparents! – that loves the ocean. To keep with the water theme, add in some blue coloring to make them  feel like they are in the ocean. You can also add in some fish toys (specifically Nemo) and even add a bubble machine to bring more fun to your bath.

Wellness/Pink-Themed Bath

For this soothing bath, you might start by adding pink coloring or adding a bath bomb to create a more peaceful environment. For this theme, grab your favorite smelling candle, a wellness journal or a book to read, something to snack on and your drink of choice – you may want to opt for some soothing tea, or maybe even a glass of wine on a Friday night. You might also want to try spraying a perfume or room spray – we recommend calming lavender – to add to the vibe!

If you have been looking for a reason to switch from showers to baths, this is the perfect excuse to do so. Try this themed bath trend and add a little fun to your daily soak.

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