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Brigitte Macron Seemingly Broke Protocol in Awkward Moment With Queen Camilla: Watch the Viral Video

The queen didn’t reciprocate the First Lady of France's gesture


France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron was seemingly met with rejection as she tried to hold Queen Camilla’s hand during the Ministry of Defense and Royal British Legion’s event commemorating the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings on June 6. The ladies had just laid wreaths down at a memorial when Macron made the gesture, but you can see from a clip that the royal kept her arms firmly at her sides. Keep scrolling to see the viral video, learn about royal protocol and more.

Brigitte Macron and Queen Camilla’s awkward viral video

Macron appeared to break royal protocol when she reached for Queen Camilla’s hand after they laid wreaths at the British Normandy Memorial at Ver-sur-Mer. Unfortunately, the queen did not return the gesture and kept her arm at her side, making for an awkward interaction.

The first lady quickly grasped the royal’s hand, but then stepped to the side with her arms folded. The viral video, which was posted to X (formerly Twitter), was filled with outrage in the comments about the queen’s rejection with one person writing, “Protocol sometimes gets in the way of humanity.”

Watch the clip below

Was Brigitte Macron breaking royal protocol?

Proper behavior around the royal family isn’t a new topic; in fact, it’s debated often. Many commenters on X believed that the queen’s attitude was outdated and cold, and they dismissed the idea of protocol entirely in support of Macron’s empathetic move. 

The Royal Family’s website states, “There are no obligatory codes of behavior when meeting The Queen or a member of the Royal Family, but many people wish to observe the traditional forms.” A slight neck bow is appropriate for men, while a small curtsy is typical for women, per the site, but a traditional handshake is also acceptable. 

However, Macron wasn’t the only one who went for a more casual approach. King Charles III himself greeted President Macron with a hug and kissed the first lady’s hand.

Brigitte Macron and Queen Camilla were last together in September

Brigitte Macron and Queen Camilla at the National Library in France

The D-Day memorial event was a reunion of sorts for the first lady and the queen, as the last time the pair were together was in September of 2023. King Charles and Queen Camilla visited France from September 20 through 23 to showcase the strong bond between the two countries both present and future. 

On September 21 specifically, the first lady and the queen came together as the royal presented a new literary prize at the National Library of France. The queen takes an interest in literature and Macron was formerly a literature teacher. 

President Macron also reiterated his support for the United Kingdom during their majesties’ visit.

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