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Need to Drink More Water? The Trick May Be Using an Emotional Support Water Bottle

Increasing your daily hydration has never been easier

Most of us have things we can’t leave the house without. Think keys, wallet and ID level items. For me, I can’t leave the house without my sparkly purple cup — and I’m not the only one! While the vessel varies, many people are also relying on an emotional support water bottle, and it’s not just to help them stay hydrated throughout the day. Ideally, you should be drinking at least half of your body weight of water in ounces daily, but with busy schedules and a constant on-the-go mentality, that doesn’t always happen. But a special water bottle — nay, an emotional support water bottle — can not only increase your water intake, it can offer mental health benefits (seriously!). Read on for more while I go get a refill…

What exactly is an emotional support water bottle?

This viral trend originated on TikTok and helps you stay more hydrated than you’d think. Simply put, “an emotional support water bottle is a water bottle that someone carries around with them all day long because it comforts their nervous system to have the bottle close by,” explains Olivia Dreizen Howell, certified life and success coach, clinical hypnotherapist and neuro-linguistic practitioner.

“The ’emotional’ aspect comes from the fact that you feel like you can rely on the water bottle if you need water, and also it makes you feel stronger, safer, and more confident to have the water bottle near you at all times,” adds Dreizen Howell. The style and type of water bottle are all about personal preference.

What are the emotional aspects?

Woman opening emotional support water bottle

As strange as it sounds, Samael A. Tejada, functional medicine expert and the president and founder of Liquivida, points out that people actually form a personal connection to their water bottles. “They customize them, and choose colors or designs that evoke a positive attachment,” he says. Sometimes people will choose water bottles with motivational messages instead, but either one ends up “boosting their mood and creating a link between drinking water and a positive mood.”

The emotional factor also comes from the comfort or attachment of carrying around the same item regularly. “It may provide a sense of security or control in uncertain situations,” adds Natalie Rosado, LMHC and the founder of Tampa Counseling Place and Counseling with Natalie.

Often, the customizations bring back good memories or experiences which “strengthen the emotional aspect of that connection.” She adds that the type of water bottle itself doesn’t; matter, and “it is more about the personal connection or significance that each person associates with that particular water bottle.”

How does an emotional support water bottle keep you hydrated?

“Emotional support water bottles are designed to encourage regular hydration by combining functionality with psychological reinforcement,” says Tejada. It helps if it’s easy to carry and use because then you’re more likely to drink from it throughout the day.

The emotional support water bottle also acts as a reminder to take care of yourself, especially if you struggle with mental health. “For many people, they have to see cues of healthy habits to actually take part in the healthy habit, so having the ESWB near you all day long is a visual clue that you should be drinking more water,” says Dreizen Howell. (See how staying hydrated wards off kidney stones, too.)

The emotional support water bottle immensely helps our mental health

Samantha Ruth, a licensed psychologist and founder of Griefhab, explains that staying hydrated ultimately lessens the intensity of emotional setbacks associated with mental health. “An emotional support water bottle is a physical reminder that a plan exists because it can take someone from panic to action in seconds.”

For more hydration tips, click through the links below!

Dehydration Can Be a Sneaky Cause of High Blood Pressure — Here’s How To Replenish Fluids Fast

Contrary to Popular Belief, Drinking This Every Day Doesn’t Cause Dehydration

How An Electrolyte Water Like Liquid IV Can Help You Lose Weight and Have More Energy

This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.

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