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11 Photos That Prove Even the Royals Have Embarrassing Moments

The graceful family doesn't always look picture perfect


Though the royal family is often the perfect example of sophistication and grace, it doesn’t stop Prince William, Princess Kate Middleton or the rest of the crew from having a few embarrassing moments from time to time! In fact, it just goes to show that they have a lot more in common with the rest of us than we think. After all, their kids are just kids, playing with their siblings, loving The Lion King and making funny faces while walking to school. But when it comes to having human moments, even the adults in the family are not immune.

Luckily, Kate and the rest of the crew always seem to know exactly how to keep their composure even in the face of trouble. Yep, this royal fam has been blessed with incredible grace, and even when things go wrong, they know how to make sure everything still seems alright. Whether they’re falling down or getting their hair blown in all directions, we can always count on them to handle it in stride!

Click through the gallery to see funny pics of the Royals having embarrassing moments!

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