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Time to Plug in the Toaster: Here Are 10 Ways to Upgrade Your Eggo Waffles, From Sweet to Savory

Spoiler alert: you can use these iconic frozen waffles in more ways than your classic syrup stack

When I think of Eggo® waffles, my mind instantly returns to my teenage years. Two golden, crispy waffles drizzled with maple syrup were my staple breakfast before rushing off to school. While I admit my morning meal has changed since then, I still love popping one in the toaster occasionally. So when I heard these iconic frozen waffles could be used in more ways than just breakfast, I had to learn more. From savory to sweet, these iconic frozen treats are more versatile than you might think. Here are ten creative ways to use Eggo waffles.

What makes Eggo waffles so great

Boxes of Eggo frozen waffles in freezer aisle
Mario Tama/Getty

Let’s talk about the Eggo brand. You’ve likely seen them before — those sunshine yellow boxes lighting up the frozen breakfast aisle. Turns out, they’ve been doing so for a long time. Created in 1953 by Frank Dorsa, Kellog’s® Eggo frozen toaster waffles became a household name by the 1970s. Their popularity grew thanks to their convenience, great taste and clever marketing. Today, you can find all sorts of flavors beyond the classic waffle, from chocolate chip and blueberry to fun varieties like mini waffles and even gluten-free options.

There’s another reason why people can’t resist repeating the famous “L’Eggo my Eggo®” catchphrase: their versatility. With the right amount of crispiness and subtle sweetness, you can use them in both sweet and savory dishes. Plus, these waffles’ sturdy texture can hold various toppings and fillings, while their convenience makes them an easy swap.

10 creative ways to upgrade your Eggo waffles

stack of Eggo waffles with strawberries and whipped cream

You may want to keep these recipe ideas in your back pocket to impress your loved ones. Who knew you could elevate frozen waffles?

1. Eggo Ice Cream Sandwiches

What better “bun” to sandwich a scoop of your favorite ice cream than a waffle? Seriously — it’s genius. Toast two waffles and let them cool for the perfect crunchy yet sturdy handheld dessert. For a fun twist, roll the edges of the ice cream in sprinkles, crushed cookies or nuts.

2. Mini Waffle Pizzas

Who needs a traditional pizza crust when you have Eggo waffles? Especially when you don’t want the hassle of making a giant pie, this miniature alternative does the trick. Toast a waffle, then top it with marinara sauce, shredded mozzarella and your favorite pizza toppings before broiling.

3. Eggo Waffle Grilled Cheese

Sometimes, even a classic deserves an upgrade. Add some crunch to your grilled cheese (or any sandwich) by swapping out bread for Eggo waffles. The slightly sweet toasted waffles pair nicely with sharp cheddar or gooey mozzarella. Add a slice of ham or turkey for extra heartiness.

4. Chicken & Eggo Waffles

Fried chicken and Eggo waffles on plate

I love ordering a giant plate of chicken and waffles for a fancy brunch, but recreating it at home can feel like a chore. Thankfully, swapping out traditional waffles with Eggo waffles cuts the prep time in half. Their crispy, buttery-sweetness complements savory fried chicken just as well. And don’t forget a drizzle of syrup or hot honey.

5. Waffle Parfaits & Trifles

Eggo waffles can easily be broken up or crushed into yogurt parfaits and trifles. Layer toasted waffle pieces with yogurt, whipped cream, fruit or pudding for a nice textural component and no-bake treat. You can even use blueberry or strawberry Eggo waffles for a fruity twist.

6. Eggo Waffle French Toast

French toast made from waffles? Where do I sign up? Dip your softened Eggo waffles in the usual custard cinnamon-dusted mixture and cook them up just like you would French toast. The waffles soak up all the delicious flavors and as we all know, taste great with maple syrup.

7. Eggo Waffle Tacos

For a fun taco night dinner twist, Eggo waffles into taco shells. Toast the waffles, fold them in half and stuff them with your favorite taco fillings like seasoned beef, lettuce, cheese and salsa. You’ll love the combination of the savory ingredients with the slightly sweet waffle.

8. Eggo Waffle Casserole

The star of your next casserole just so happens to be from the freezer. And the best part? You can make it sweet or savory. Top your waffles with anything from savory breakfast ingredients to a spiced streusel — It’s the perfect way to feed a crowd.

9. Waffle Breakfast Sandwich

Breakfast sandwich with Eggo waffles

A breakfast sandwich can get me through any busy morning. But instead of the usual English muffin, toasted Eggo waffles pack in a bit more crunch and flavor. Pile scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage and cheese between them for a satisfying meal.

10. Eggo Waffle Breadcrumbs & Croutons

Yes, you can crush Eggo waffles into a fine crumb, which opens the door to even more possibilities. Toasting and crumbling them makes for easy casserole, mac and cheese and even crusts for chicken or fish. Or, you can cube toasted waffles for salads or soups.


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