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This Brain Teaser Looks Easy, But When You Look More Closely at the Fruit, You’ll Realize Why Everyone’s Stumped

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We can’t get enough of these brain teasers–and neither, apparently, can anyone else on the Internet! And the latest one to circulate is truly a stumper! First, it calls upon your math skills (good luck if they are anything like ours) and solving simple algebraic problems. Second, you have to be super sharp-eyed.

Each piece of fruit stands for a number. The apple is easy–each one is equal to 10. But the bananas and coconuts are trickier.

Do the bananas equal 4 or 6? That depends on how many are in the bunch (look closely).

And some people count each coconut half as 1, or the whole coconut as 2. So is the final answer 14, 15, or 16?

Actually, any one of these answers is correct, according to a British math professor, who told the Daily Mail: ‘You can interpret it in many ways; one way is no more correct than another.”


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